====== Volume modeling ====== {{frep:head_sweep.gif?nolink}}a {{frep:headcut.gif?nolink}}b {{frep:hair_6.gif?nolink}}c\\ In our approach to volume modeling, we combine volume representations by voxel data and by continuous real functions. The figures above illustarte:\\ a) sweeping by a volumetric head;\\ b) head cut by a moving cutter;\\ c) hair growth and styling on the voxel head. One of the main problems is the function-to-voxel and voxel-to-function conversion. The following paper discusses the conversion between two representations and gives several examples of their useful combination: Savchenko V.V., Pasko A.A., Sourin A.I., Kunii T.L.\\ "Volume modelling: representations and advanced operations", Computer Graphics International '98 (June 22-26 1998, Hannover, Germany), IEEE Computer Society, 1998, ISBN 0-8186-8445-3, pp.4-13.\\ Electronic version: [[http://hyperfun.org/cgi98.zip|PostScript + zip (1.1 M)]]