====== Space-time Blending ====== "Space-time blending" by Pasko G., Pasko A., Kunii T., Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds, vol. 15, No. 2, 2004, pp. 109-121.\\ Electronic version: [[http://hyperfun.org/SpaceTimeBlend.pdf|PDF (835K)]] We present a new approach to shape transformation for animation based on the [[bblend|bounded blending]] in higher dimension. It results in a smooth transformation (metamorphosis and non-linear motion) between two functionally defined 2D and 3D shapes as it is illustrated below ===== Transformation of a disk to a square ===== {{frep:STBB/bbdisksqZn10small.jpg?nolink}}{{frep:STBB/bbdisksqZ10small.jpg?nolink}} Click to view an animation [[http://hyperfun.org/STBB/bb_Disk_to_square.avi|"Transformation of a disk to a square" (AVI format, 6.6 MB)]] or download [[http://hyperfun.org/STBB/bb_Disk_to_square.zip|zipped AVI (56.5 KB)]] ===== Transformation of a ring to a cross ===== {{frep:STBB/bbring2crossZn10small.jpg?nolink}}{{frep:STBB/bbring2crossZ10small.jpg?nolink}} Click to view an animation [[http://hyperfun.org/STBB/bbr2c.avi|"Transformation of a ring to a cross" (AVI format, 6.73MB)]] or download [[http://hyperfun.org/STBB/bbr2c.zip|zipped AVI (63.5KB)]]. ===== Transformation of a Buddha shape to a Chinese character ===== {{frep:STBB/bb_b_k-10.jpg?250&nolink}}{{frep:STBB/bb_b_k_10.jpg?250&nolink}} Click to view an animation [[http://hyperfun.org/STBB/bb-budda-kanji.avi|"Transformation of a Buddha shape to a Chinese character" (AVI format, 4.3MB)]] or download [[http://hyperfun.org/STBB/bb-budda-kanji.zip|zipped AVI (53.5KB)]] ===== Transformation of 3D ROBOT letters to a robot shape ===== {{frep:STBB/let_bbt01.jpg?200&nolink}}{{frep:STBB/rob_bbt%2020.jpg?200&nolink}} Click to view an animation [[http://hyperfun.org/STBB/bbt_640_20.avi|"Letters to Robot Transformation" (20 ray-traced frames, AVI format, 195K)]]