====== Sweeping by a moving solid ====== {{frep:envel1.gif?nolink}} We have reduced the problem of a swept solid description to a global extremum search by a parameter of movement. It allows the user to apply arbitrary variable-shape and CSG solids as generators, arbitrary parametrized movement and self-intersections. An example of sweeping by falling cup and spoon is shown below. {{frep:encup0.gif?nolink}} {{frep:encup1.gif?nolink}} {{frep:encup2.gif?nolink}} Simulation of NC machining uses time-dependent set-theoretic operations with a part and a cutter in relative motion: [[http://hyperfun.org/nc1.gif|{{frep:nc1_100.gif?nolink}}]] [[http://hyperfun.org/nc2.gif|{{frep:nc2_100.gif?nolink}}]] [[http://hyperfun.org/nc3c.gif|{{frep:nc3c_100.gif?nolink}}]] [[http://hyperfun.org/nc3.gif|{{frep:nc3_100.gif?nolink}}]] [[http://hyperfun.org/nc4.gif|{{frep:nc4_100.gif?nolink}}]] \\ Click on an image to get its more large version. \\ [[http://www.ntu.edu.sg/home/assourin/Frep.htm|More sweeps]] Details can be found in the paper: Sourin A.I., Pasko A.A. "Function representation for sweeping by a moving solid", IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, vol.2, No.1, March 1996, Special issue on solid modeling, pp.11-18.\\ Electronic version: [[http://hyperfun.org/Sweep.ps|PostScript (294K)]] and [[http://hyperfun.org/Sweep.ps.gz|PostScript + gzip (64K)]]