====== POV-Ray 3.6 with HyperFun support ====== This is unofficial build of POV-ray ray-tracer. A new keyword was added to support HyperFun models. ===== Installation ===== First, you need to download and install official POV-Ray 3.6 from [[http://www.povray.org/download/|here]]. After that, you need to download POV-Ray binaries with HyperFun support from {{:povray36_hf_bin.zip|here}}. Unzip the contents of archive to the {POV-Ray installation folder}\bin, overwrite existing files. Note that you need to close POV-Ray before replacing binaries. After that you have POV-ray with HyperFun support. ===== Usage ===== For documentation on POV-Ray please see POV-Ray's internal help. ===== HyperFun support ===== A new object 'hyperfun' deriver from 'isosurface' was added. Below you will find syntax: hyperfun { "filename" [contained_by { SPHERE | BOX }] [hf_object STRING] [hf_mapping ARRAY_MAP] [hf_parameters ARRAY] [hf_attrmap ARRAY_MAP] [hf_time FLOAT_VALUE] [threshold FLOAT_VALUE] [accuracy FLOAT_VALUE] [max_gradient FLOAT_VALUE] [evaluate P0, P1, P2] [open] [max_trace INTEGER] | [all_intersections] [OBJECT_MODIFIERS...] } Default values: contained_by : box{-1,1} hf_object "my_model" hf_mapping hf_parameters 0 hf_attrmap hf_time 0.0 threshold : 0.0 accuracy : 0.001 max_gradient 1.1