===== Transformation: Cubic space mapping =====
**Definition**: Space mapping (deformation) controlled by moving arbitrary points in space.
Inverse Mapping:\\
x{prime} = x - sum{}{}{{delta x_i}*(1-v_i)^3/(1+v_i)}\\
y{prime} = y - sum{}{}{{delta y_i}*(1-v_i)^3/(1+v_i)}\\
z{prime} = z - sum{}{}{{delta z_i}*(1-v_i)^3/(1+v_i)}\\
v_i - ((x-x_{ai})^2+(y-y_{ai})^2+(z-z_{ai})^2)/b^2\\
(x,y,z)_{ai} - x,y,z coordinnates of the ith moved point
**Call**: hfSpaceMapCubic(xt,original_points,delta_points,b);
xt - point coordinates array to be changed
original_points - Array of moved control points
delta_points - Array of values for the displacements of the moved points
b - parameter determining the incluence of the mapping
**Test file**: [[http://hyperfun.org/spacemap.hf|spacemap.hf]]