===== Transformation: Twisting around z-axis ===== **Definition**: inverse mapping\\ t = (z-z1)/(z2-z1)\\ theta = (1-t)*theta1 + t*theta2\\ x'=x*cos(theta)+y*sin(theta)\\ y'=-x*sin(theta)+y*cos(theta)\\ **Call**: hfTwistZ(xt,z1,z2,theta1,theta2); **Parameters**: xt - point coordinates array to be changed z1, z2 - end points of z-interval theta1, theta2 - rotation angles in radians for end points **Test file**: [[http://hyperfun.org/twist.hf|twist.hf]] ===== Transformation: Twisting around y-axis ===== **Definition**: inverse mapping\\ t = (y-y1)/(y2-y1)\\ theta = (1-t)*theta1 + t*theta2\\ z'=z*cos(theta)+x*sin(theta)\\ x'=-z*sin(theta)+x*cos(theta)\\ **Call**: hfTwistY(xt,z1,z2,theta1,theta2); **Parameters**: xt - point coordinates array to be changed z1, z2 - end points of z-interval theta1, theta2 - rotation angles in radians for end points **Test file**: [[http://hyperfun.org/twist.hf|twist.hf]] ===== Transformation: Twisting around x-axis ===== **Definition**: inverse mapping\\ t = (x-x1)/(x2-x1)\\ theta = (1-t)*theta1 + t*theta2\\ y'=y*cos(theta)+z*sin(theta)\\ z'=-y*sin(theta)+z*cos(theta)\\ **Call**: hfTwistX(xt,z1,z2,theta1,theta2); **Parameters**: xt - point coordinates array to be changed z1, z2 - end points of z-interval theta1, theta2 - rotation angles in radians for end points **Test file**: [[http://hyperfun.org/twist.hf|twist.hf]]