====== Welcome to HyperFun ====== | HyperFun is a simple specialized high-level programming language. It is intended for modeling geometric objects and their internal volumetric properties (color, material density and others). A model can include objects of mixed dimensions (1D, 2D, 3D, 4D and even kD)) defined by real functions of point coordinates. This language is applicable to modeling using algebraic, skeleton-based, and procedural "implicit" surfaces, convolution surfaces, distance-based models, voxel objects, constructive solids and volumes, and more general [[frep:main|FRep]] objects. \\ A model in HyperFun is interpreted by the modeling, rendering, animation, and fabrication software tools. | [[frep::microstructures|{{frep:semi3.jpg?250&nolink}}]] | ====== News ====== * Another free [[http://hyperfun.org/wiki/doku.php?id=frep:main|FRep]] modelling system: [[http://uformia.com/index.php/download|Symvol for Rhino - Maker version]] developed by Uformia, Norway, in partnership with the [[http://www.digitalmaterial.org|Digital Materialization Group]], Japan-UK