In this reference, we use example1.hf created in Getting started, but you can use your own HyperFun file.
Note that a HyperFun file name has to be placed just after the hfp command; i.e., if you polygonize foo.hf with some options, the command would take the form:
hfp foo.hf -
Options supported by a specific version are described in the README.txt file.
Use the command below
hfp example1.hf
Then, the object described in example.hf is polygonized.
To export an object described in a HyperFun file to VRML, -wrl option is used. If you do not specify a name, the default name out.wrl is used.
hfp example1.hf -wrl example1.wrl
Currently not implemented in the MS Windows version.
Synopsis for showing the coordinate axes: -sa Synopsis for showing the bounding box: -sb
To show the coordinate axes and the bounding box, use the command below
hfp example1.hf -sa -sb
Then, you can see the coordinate axes and the bounding box.
You can also show and hide these from the menu.
Synopsis: -d [1-7]
If you did not use this option, -d 5 is used as a default.
hfp example1.hf -d 1
If you use the above command, an object is displayed as a wireframe.
-d 1 -> Wireframe Only -d 2 -> Surface & Wireframe -d 3 -> Surface with Normals (Diffuse Lighting) -d 4 -> Surface & Wireframe with Normals (Diffuse Lighting) -d 5 -> Surface with Normals (Diffuse & Specular Lighting) -d 6 -> Surface & Wireframe with Normals (Diffuse & Specular Lighting) -d 7 -> Surface with Normals (Diffuse & Specular Lighting) & Normals
You can also change these from the menu.
Synopsis: -b xv,yv,zv -b v same as -b v,v,v Specify double numbers in v, xv, yv, and zv
To change the size of the bounding box -b option is used. The default bounding box is a cube where each edge size is 20. -b xv, yv, zv defines the bounding box with the lower left front point (-abs(xv), -abs(yv), -abs(zv)) and the upper right back point (abs(xv), abs(yv), abs(zv)).
hfp example1.hf -b 5,5,5 -sb hfp example1.hf -b 4,4,4 -sb
![]() | ![]() |
-b 5,5,5 | -b 4,4,4 |
In the above examples, the sizes of the bounding box are 10x10x10 and 8x8x8, respectively. In the left one, the bounding box completely encloses the sphere. In the right one, the sphere has holes, because the outside of the bounding box was not calculated.
Synopsis -g xv,yv,zv -g v is same as -g v,v,v Specify integer numbers in v, xv, yv, and zv
The default value is 30. The value can be from 2 to 250 depending on the memory available on your computer.
To specify the grid density in the bounding box, -g is used. The meanings of xv,yv,zv are the density of x, the density of y and the density of z, respectively.
The higher density incleases the number of polygons, accuracy, and calculation time.
hfp example1.hf -g 5 -d 5 hfp example1.hf -g 50 -d 5
![]() | ![]() |
-g 5 | -g 50 |
Synopsis for changing the surface color: -cf rv,gv,bv Specify integer number range from 0 to 255 in rv, gv, and bv
Synopsis for changing the wireframe color: -cl rv,gv,bv Specify integer number range from 0 to 255 in rv, gv, and bv
rv, gv and bv mean the red, green, and blue value, respectively. -cf 50,200,80 and -cl 0,0,0 are used as default.
hfp example1.hf -cf 255,255,0 hfp example1.hf -cl 0,255,255 -d 1
The following table shows examples of color values
red | 255 | 0 | 0 |
green | 0 | 255 | 0 |
blue | 0 | 0 | 255 |
yellow | 255 | 255 | 0 |
magenta | 255 | 0 | 255 |
cyan | 0 | 255 | 255 |
black | 0 | 0 | 0 |
white | 255 | 255 | 255 |
examples of color values |
For the other options, see README.txt file obtained with HyperFun Polygonizer.